Benidorm Holiday Rental: Apartments, holiday homes in Spain. Benidorm, Costa Blanca Benidorm Holiday Rental: Apartments, holiday homes in Spain. Benidorm, Costa Blanca
Book your holiday appartment!
Please click on the photos to enlarge them Holiday rental Alicante: Living room Alicante Ferien-Apartments. Urlaub, Ferienwohnungen, Strand, Meer
Holiday rental Alicante: Living room
Holiday rental Alicante: bedroom Alicante Ferien-Apartments. Urlaub, Ferienwohnungen, Strand, Meer
Holiday rental Alicante: bedroom
Holiday rental Alicante: Kitchen Alicante Ferien-Apartments. Urlaub, Ferienwohnungen, Strand, Meer
Holiday rental Alicante: Kitchen
Holiday rental Alicante: Bed room Alicante Ferien-Apartments. Urlaub, Ferienwohnungen, Strand, Meer
Holiday rental Alicante: Bed room
Bath room Alicante Ferien-Apartments. Urlaub, Ferienwohnungen, Strand, Meer
Bath room
Holiday rental Alicante: Bath room Alicante Ferien-Apartments. Urlaub, Ferienwohnungen, Strand, Meer
Holiday rental Alicante: Bath room

Prices and availability

Here you will find prices and availability of our holiday apartments in Alicante, Spain.

We recommend that you check before booking to determine whether the desired holiday apartment is available. We are happy to assist with any questions you may have and to provide any further information required.

If you wish to book a holiday accommodation or would like information about holidays in Alicante, please use our contact form.

Prices of the holiday apartments in Alicante

from to 4 nights week 2 weeks month
01-06-2020 01-07-2016 450 850 1600 3200
01/07/2020 05/09/2020 450 850 1600 3200
01-01-2020 31-05-2020 250 465 800 1200
24-12-2020 31-12-2020 400 650   1200
06-09-2020 23-12-2020 475 800   1250
Deposit of 15 . Will be returned at the end of your stay after receiving the keys back and checking the apartment.
Minimum stay: 4 days.

All prices are inclusive.

Availability of the apartments in Alicante

On the booking calendar, you can check availability of our holiday apartments. A yellow-highlighted date means that all holiday accommodation is occupied.

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